Monday, August 6, 2007

A Whirlwind Trip

Well was a heck of a week! I left on Monday the 31st of July to San Diego, California, to help my sister sort out our mother's there at about 2:00 in the afternoon, and we dug right in. Worked until about midnight, and up again and back to work by 7:30am! Worked outside in the garage where the boxes were stored until about 3:00pm. Man! Was it ever hot! I was totally soaked by the time we finished with THAT part!
Then we started in on another batch that was in the upper garage. These boxes we were able to take into the house to go through. Mom's jewelry and photos. We spent hours going through albums and removing photos from those old magnetic things! I brought the majority of the photos home with me to scan, most of the originals will go back to my sister. I certainly don't mind, as I never scrap with the originals anyway. I can fix the cracks and scratches in the photos and print them in larger sizes so that I have a better than original photo....I'm happy with that!

So many memories flooding so few days. A few tears were shed, but not many. Many more smiles were shared. More than a few giggles.

And Shirley? If you read this....IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, BABY!! ~laffin~